Concept creators, ways of working, (we try not to repeat these) sometimes our own, sometimes the client's, to use a well-known word, since more than a client is a collaborator. He is present in our independent and custom design. Subject.


We are sheltered by nothing more and nothing less than Córdoba, humor, enthusiasm and youth. This last one is our main characteristic, it allows us to have a direct and flexible contact with the present and the world. This globalization forces us to take into account the roots of design for sustainability, society, economy and environment. We try to make each of these, sustainable principles. Context.


We hope that the experience you provide speaks for us. Object.


We have just defined our work with the bases of Design, Subject, Context, Object. In this and many other ways, we bring design closer to everyone.



We believe that we always liked to develop products. Since we decided to become industrial designers and found Mil9 Estudio we realized that we are passionate about experimenting between the world of the desired and the possible, pushing ourselves to bring the possible to the desired, and sometimes to say yes to what seems impossible. We work to add value from the development, processes and choices we make every day.


We provide design, development and manufacturing solutions for particular, customized and unique products and projects.


We work with a wide variety of suppliers from Cordoba and other provinces, satisfying the most varied designs and customer requirements.


For us, it is crucial that local production, regional materials and traditional technologies and methods in tune with modern ones, continue to be the driving force in the search for design in the country, to strengthen our identity as a brand and regional movement. We like to think that we contribute our humble grain of sand.